Introducing LOOΠΔ 이달의 소녀

With all the twelve girls revealed, along with their respective sub-units, and presenting their discography we all love (I dare assume such, cheers), time now for the official formation of "LOONA" - which in South Korean is not a direct translation of the English name;
"The group’s Korean name is 이달의 소녀, romanized as Idalui Sonyeo, from the Sino-Korean root meaning "Girl of the Month". Because their name consists of Chinese roots, the group’s name is similar in Chinese and Japanese: the group’s name in Japanese is pronounced as Kongetsu no Shōjo (Japanese: 今月の少女), and in Mandarin Chinese as Běnyuè Shàonǚ (Chinese: 本月少女). The Korean name 이달의 소녀 is often unofficially shortened to 이달소 (Idal So)." (Source)
Language differences aside, and the origins of their name notwithstanding, the text/names provided above might help you in your (online) search for their albums and merchandise in related language, cheers. And this is the explanation for their name "LOONA";
"The group is also known as LOONA, often stylized as LOOΠΔ, which is their official English and international name. This name is created from a rearrangement of the first consonants of the hangul that spells out their name. In other words, ㅇㄷㅇㅅㄴ is rearranged to ㄴㅇㅇㄷㅅ, which then becomes LOOΠΔ. We also see this arranging in each introductions to LOONA videos."
Here is another (re)look at the twelve girls, their reveal dates, plus links to my INTRODUCING LOONA Serial Feature, as we next journey into the phase of LOONA, in anticipation of their recently announced comeback with their 4th Mini Album "[&]", scheduled for a June 28 release (6pm KST)!

Above: HeeJin (Real Name: Jeon Hee-Jin 전희진)
Revealed on September 26, 2016

Above: HyunJin (Real Name: Kim Hyun-Jin 김현진)
Revealed on October 28, 2016
CLICK TO READ ABOUT: Introducing 2JIN (HeeJin + HyunJin)

Above: HaSeul (Real Name: Cho Ha-Seul 조하슬)
Revealed on December 8, 2016

Above: YeoJin (Real Name: Im Yeo-Jin 임여진)
Revealed on January 4, 2017

Above: ViVi (Real Name: Wong Ka-Hei 黃珈熙)
Revealed on February 14, 2017
CLICK TO READ: Introducing VIVI / Features on TUNESTALKSG

LOONA 1/3 sub-unit (Comprising HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul, ViVi, with YeoJin being the "/")
CLICK TO READ: Introducing LOONA 1/3 / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: Kim Lip (Real Name: Kim Jung-Eun 김정은)
Revealed on May 15, 2017
CLICK TO READ: Introducing KIM LIP / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: JinSoul (Real Name: Jung Jin-Sol 정진솔)
Revealed on June 13, 2017

Above: Cheorry (Real Name: Choi Ye-Rim 최예림)
Revealed on July 12, 2017

Above: ODD EYE CIRCLE (OEC) sub-unit (Comprising Kim Lip, JinSoul & Choerry)
CLICK TO READ: Introducing OEC / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: Yves (Real Name: Ha Soo-Young 하수영)
Revealed on November 14, 2017
CLICK TO READ: Introducing YVES / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: Chuu (Real Name: Kim Ji-Woo 김지우)
Revealed on December 14, 2017
CLICK TO READ: Introducing CHUU / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: Go Won (Real Name: Park Chae-Won 박채원)
Revealed on January 15, 2018
Introducing GO WON / Features on TUNESTALKSG

Above: Olivia Hye (Real Name: Son Hye-Joo 손혜주)
Revealed on March 17, 2018

Above: yyxy ("youth youth by young") sub-unit (Comprsing Yves, Chuu, Go Won & Olivia-Hye)
CLICK TO READ: Introducing yyxy / Features on TUNESTALKSG
From October 2016 until June 2018, each member of the group was revealed along with a solo single album and a music video for the title track. The complete group debuted on August 19, 2018 after holding their debut concert, LOONAbirth.
In this blogpost, I will be taking a broad-stroke over-view of their album releases, individual music videos, and attempt to delve into them in separate blog-features (hopefully with full album listens and more), with the aim to "catch up" with the impending release of their 4th Mini Album comeback [&], since scheduled for June 28, 2021!
ALBUM: [+ +]
Pronounced "plus plus", Hangul: 플러스 플러스) is the debut mini-album of South Korean girl group LOOΠΔ. It was released on August 20, 2018, the day after their debut concert, LOONAbirth - where the songs were performed on stage, along with each members' own debut tracks.
FYI: The above featured "Preview" is fan-made.
The album contains 6 tracks including the lead single "favOriTe", and the title track "Hi High", with the music video releasing the same day. This is the TRACKLIST:
1. "+ +" (00:58)
2. "Hi High" (3:16)
3. "favOriTe" (3:14)
4. "열기" (3:30)
5. "Perfect Love" (3:34)
6. "Stylish" (3:29)
The album comes in 4 versions, a Digital A and B version, along with Limited A and B versions. (Source). It was only 2 weeks ago that I'd managed to secure both the A & B physical editions of [+ +], thank goodness for restocks! I will film and edit Pageflip features, and a closer look for them soon. Meanwhile, here are my photo card pull!
Featured below are the two released singles and their MVs "favOriTe" (3:14), followed by "Hi High". I have read somewhere that "favOriTe" was a "pre-single release" (instead of a straight-up "singles release"), and would need confirmation on this though ... regardless, both tracks were so different from each other - both in nature of performance and styling of the girls, and also attitude(s) in the song = LOVE IT! One of the main draws about LOONA (for me personally), is the variety they are able to portray and present, rather than being in a fixed format and style, IMHO.
Above: "favOriTe" (Uploaded "7 Aug 2018")
Below: "Hi High" (Uploaded "20 Aug 2018")
The album [+ +] was later re-released as [X X] with additional six new tracks, including their next single "Butterfly". Now I 'll just need to snag "[X X]" .... Hopefully there'll be a restock once [&] is released...
The transition of the logos were also apparent in the animated opening sequences of their music videos.
Pronounced "multiple multiple" (Hangul: 멀티플 멀티플), sometimes stylized as [× ×], is the repackage album of LOONA’s debut mini-album [+ +], but as mentioned, with an additional 6 tracks.
It was digitally released on February 19, 2019 along with its title track’s music video, "Butterfly". has more information about the album's release and delays.
The limited editions of the album include 2 hidden tracks: "Stay With Me Babe" on the Limited A version and "Daydream" on the Limited B version. Now I am a sucker for "hidden tracks", so NEED! ... "Those two snippets served as previews of an ultimately cancelled ballad album, LOONA the Ballad" - for which the fandom will always blame Jaden Jeong for deleting the album, as he had publicly stated.... But we'll get to that when I feature the album in a standalone blog-feature, cheers. Meanwhile, this is the TRACKLIST, making this 12-track album their actual first (and "only" thus far) full album released.
01. "X X" (0:48)
02. "Butterfly" (3:57)
03. "위성 (Satellite)" (3:09)
04. "Curiosity" (3:09)
05. "색깔 (Colors)" (3:15)
06. "Where you at" (3:27)
07. "Stylish" (3:29)
08. "Perfect Love" (3:34)
09. "열기" (3:30)
10. "favOriTe" (3:14)
11. "Hi High" (3:16)
12. "+ +" (00:58)
Hidden Tracks:
- "Stay With Me Babe" – 0:40 (Limited A)
- "Daydream" – 0:40 (Limited B)
Featured below are the released singles and their MV "Butterfly" (Uploaded "19 Feb 2019").
ALBUM: [#]
Pronouned "Hash" (Hangul: 해시; also known as Sharp, Hangul: 샵) is LOOΠΔ's second mini-album. It was released on February 5, 2020, including lead single "365" and title track "So What". This album is released one year after [X X], and was highly anticipated, to day the least.
It was also announced (on January 7, 2020 via Fancafe) that member HaSeul would not be participating in promotions for this album due to mental health concerns. Read more on
Tracklist: 1. "#" (1:06)
2. "So What" (3:18)
3. "Number 1" (3:22)
4. "Oh (Yes I Am)" (3:15)
5. "Ding Ding Dong (땡땡땡)" (2:58)
6. "365" (3:41)
7. "Day & Night" - 3:34 (Limited A & B)
The track "Day & Night" came as a CD Exclusive to the physical album release.
You will also notice that the "LOONA Sound" that folks and fans have mentioned (for their individual debuts and pre-[#] albums) has somewhat changed with "So What", as it had been infamously mentioned that Lee Soon-man of SM Entertainment had been involved in producing this track (and would do so again for "Why Not?"). This is the officially released Music Video for "So What" (Uploaded "5 Feb 2020"):
I had started to get into LOONA around the time of their comeback - slightly before, actually - while devouring their entire discography prior to [#], and by the time [#] dropped, I had essentially hesitated, and missed out, and was unable to secure myself this album, until after their [12:00] release...!
Track "365" never did receive a "official MV", although there was a Teaser (with Instrumental background) and two LOONA TV Episodes (#569 + #570). The song was significant to the fandom, as it was written and spoke directly with "Orbits", about LOONA being apologetic for the year long wait (in between [X X]'s release and [#]). I might not know a lick of the Korean language (phrases from KDrama don't count :p), but there are plenty of feels to be had, IMHO. Here is the audio:
ALBUM: [12:00]
Pronounced "Midnight" (Hangul: 미드나잇) is the third mini-album from LOONA. It was released on October 19, 2020, including title track "Why Not?", whose promotions were followed by the release of the music video for "Star (Voice Eng. Ver.)" - an all-English language track, which helped pushed LOONA into Western-speaking countries, IMHO.
Lee Soo-Man of SM Entertainment had also been announced to have been involved in the production of their title track "Why Not?".
On September 17, 2020, BlockBerry Creative confirmed via Fancafe that member HaSeul would not be participating in album promotions, due to ongoing health issues, and continues her hiatus from the [#]-era. Read more on This is the Tracklist:
1. "12:00" (1:13)
2. "Why Not?" (3:25)
3. "목소리 (Voice)" (3:18)
4. "기억해 (Fall Again)" (3:35)
5. "Universe" (3:34)
6. "숨바꼭질 (Hide & Seek)" (3:02)
7. "OOPS!" (2:42)
8. "Star (목소리 English Ver.)" (3:18)
Here are the officially released Music Videos for LOONA's [12:00] era.
Above: "Why Not?" (Uploaded "19 Oct 2020" / on TUNESTALKSG)
Below: "Star (목소리 English Ver.)" (Uploaded "18 Nov 2020" / on TUNESTALKSG)
By the time this album(s) were launched for pre-orders, I was ready, in what would be my first ever purchase of physical albums, online, ever. I've not looked back since. Gulp.
As well I have had done a more intensive coverage of the album on TUNESTALKSG, delving fully into LOONA. I've split up all four albums in individual blogposts with individual pageflip videos and snaps of the photobook, photo-cards, and everything in-between!
Unwrapping B Version of [12:00]
Unwrapping C Version of [12:00]
Unwrapping D Version of [12:00]

ALBUM: [&]
LOONA's 4th Mini Album has since been scheduled for a June 28, 2021 release, 8 months after the release of [12:00]. As of this blog-feature, BlockBerry Creative has been revealing Concept Shoot images of the full 12 girls, with HaSeul returning to the line-up, after 18 months away.
I personally will be keeping tabs on the reveals and LOONA-news of this era...!
Releases 2021.6.28 pm6 (KST)
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