About Those Legendary Boy-Group Dance Covers by LOONA

With the INTRODUCTION to LOONA (and Introduction to individual members' debuts), and before I delve deeper into their individual albums, I'd like to take an opportunity to post about their "DANCE COVERS".
Sure Kpop groups (both boys and girls) enact cover dances of other groups/singers, in addition to their own "dance practise / choreography" videos for their own releases (*which is a MUST HAVE for KPOP - erspecially for Dance Performances) ... and while LOONA does not have a "exhausting list" of covers, the lack in quantity is made up for in epic spades with QUALITY, with their trio of Dance Covers pretty much legendary in my book, and no doubt to fans of the South Korean girl group.
Featured here are all THREE Covers - ALL of whom are originally by BOY GROUPS, and frankly NEEDS to have a standalone blog-post about them, thanks.
And while I will be posting the OG MVs from the body groups, it is not meant to be a "comparison" per se, but a chance to also see LOONA with their own charms and take off the routine, and not just a flat-out "technical cover", methinks!
Above: "FIRE (불타오르네)" MV by BTS(방탄소년단).
Below: LOONA's Dance Cover (Uploaded "22 Apr 2019")
I have read in comments that the original choreographers had helped LOONA with their routines/covers, but quite frankly I cannot find concrete reports to substantiate this. Regardless, you cannot deny the hardworking or talent the twelve girls possessed.
Even as I am not a "Dancer", nor possess knowledge of the skill and craft to commnent otherwise, I could enjoy and admire the synchronization and effort put into these! And those synchronized hair-flips would not be easy too! Imagine the strain you'll have on your neck, and the flipping!
Plus their visuals, flair and attitude showcased makes it even more enjoyable to watch. The sincerity is real, as far as my eyes can see, IMHO.
Above: "'Cherry Bomb" MV by NCT 127 (엔시티 127)
Below: LOONA Dance Cover (Uploaded "22 May 2019")
Apparently their cover of NCT's "Cherry Bomb" caught the attention of Lee Soo-Man of SM Entertainment, which led to him producing LOONA's "So What" and "Why Not?" Tracks. I wonder if he will continue with LOONA's upcoming [&] comeback...?
ASIDE: LOONA performed their version of "Cherry Bomb" at KCON:TACT 2020 Summer, featuring their own vocals. You can see+listen in the video embed below, from the 12:27-mark onwards.
The third "Dance Cover" is curiously labelled/titled [IDOL COVER DANCE CHALLENGE] 이달의소녀 '아이돌 커버 댄스 챌린지' / GOT7 'ECLIPSE', whereby LOONA might have been apart of a "International" dance challenge (Goggled to find multiple videos but no specific explanation :p), and I wonder if they had been "invited" to cover this track? Or was their initial intention to...?
The following 13+minuter video showcases (1) Their performance along with names showcased ... (2) Behind the scenes of the day and filming ... and (3) The dance practise sequence, which is somewhat different than what we see in video below, as they split-screen-compared GOT7's actual stage dance performance. The blooper reel at credits is worth waiting for, and shows the girls as they normally am, not necessarily "polished factory brand new presented"
So exciting to see the girls performing in a larger space, compared to their studio practise room (as haunted as they claimed it to be in theo Halloqween VLIVE :p). Featured below is their own uploaded video for "GOT7 (갓세븐) - Eclipse" (Uploaded "3 Dec 2019"), and is my favourite out of the entire line-up, and I constantly go back to rewatch this video again and again ... like, constantly. And admire the trust they have in each otber as well, especially when Kim Lips travels backwards pass the girls.
And it is not just the girls themselves, but of the choreographer, to have interpret and adapt the original dance routine to instead showcase TWELVE PERFOMERS. Much respect, much kudos all around...!
I find myself getting a lot more "emotional" than expected, manifesting my sentimentality on those whom I have zero knowledge of (heh), as LOONA will apparently be moving to new premises, where they'll be creating new memories, while I have their smaller studio reminding me of their hardworking and success in spite of, IMHO. I wonder if their next Dance Practise video would be at the new studio? I really wonder how THEY feel about the circumstance and situation tho...?
BBC office relocation update (Official Fancafe)https://t.co/2kuqMjLNqG pic.twitter.com/G8D1Mcto9v
— 💫 Orrery/nim (@orrery_nim) April 26, 2021
Releases 2021.6.28 pm6 (KST)
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