Introducing HyunJin of LOONA (2nd Girl To Be Revealed for 이달의 소녀)

The Teaser (above) for HyunJin's "다녀가요(Around You)" was uploaded 6 Nov 2016, where we first see HyunJin's girl-girl-dress styling, as well as the introduction of the "cat's POV", which we will see again in the main MV, showcased below (uploaded 17 Nov 2016). HyunJIn is the second girl to be revealed in the 12-member LOONA.
There is a chunk of history which I am leaving out - including her time as a contestant in Talent Survival show "MIXNINE" (along with HeeJin and HaSeul), appearance of "King of Masked Singers", and even recent "bullying" scandal (*Since debunked), and instead I'll focus on her debut single and MV(s) instead.
I've always adored this MV, with the vibe of a "indie (art) film" infused within the narrative (this MV shot/filmed in Tokyo, Japan really helps boost that vibe, IMHO), especially with the inclusion of the enlarged cat's head, which I've always felt was utilized to show a parallel to how HyunJin (might) have felt, being unable to physically pass her multiple letters to her "crush", and imagine herself like the cats who quietly looks at her, peering at her... and a bittersweet smile as her
And in the end, the multiple cat heads might well mean HyunJin is not alone in what she is feeling, as there are many folks experiencing what she was experiencing in (the MV) life too.
Featured above is the 4-minuter "Special Version" (of the web-drama "Woomanna 우만나") which also starred members of LOONA (we see HeeJin here, and a quick glance at Kim Lip), which could be best described as a "prequel" to how HyunJin would have felt in the MV featured up top, that might have influenced how she is and handles things later in life...? I am sure I am missing stories here and there, which I suspect were screened at LOONA-events, and not necessarily made available online, besides the grip of "bootlegged uploads" (which I am also graetful for :p).
Below is the 10-(& a half)-minuter "다녀가요(Around You) Original Film Ver." (uploaded 10 Nov 2016), that I would have comfortably enjoyed watching at a indie / local film festival. The sheer fact that this version exists, also showcases the uniqueness of LOONA, and the non-traditional (Kpop) concept(s) in attemtping to present the girls to the public, IMHO. This short explains the story / HyunJin's story much better than the shorter MV could, methinks. I would insist this is underrated, but the reality is the divide between media does it no favours.
The above MV showcased here is the "100% Real Live" version, here HyunJin performs "다녀가요/Around You" live, accompanied by her playing the piano (Uploaded 18 Dec 2016). Besides Heejin on guitar and this video, we hardly ever see the musical talents and/or skills of the girls - including the subsequent 10 LOONA members, moving forward, which I've always felt was a "pity", as they have been showcasing the "Kpop Idol" aspect of their abilities, to which newer fans of LOONA (myself included) might not have been even aware of, but for backtracking their discography... But I am grateful they still exist online, thanks to @loonatheworld.
Finally we have HyunJin singing "live" at the LOOΠΔ Premier Greeting Meet & UP (Video circa December 16/2019).
I have managed to purchase a physical copy of HyunJin's "Around You" CD Single (*air-punch*), and realised the B-Side was "I'll Be There" duet with HeeJin - the video for which I'll showcase below - for which I've never connected to this CD Single. Also included in this post (below the MV) are some snaps of the CD-booklet, including credits for the song and album. My plan is to post a separate blog-feature for their duet, but in case my plans stall (again ... hey it took me nearly a YEAR to post this after HeeJin OMG #iSuck), this will have to do, cheers :p
Stage Name: HyunJin (Hangul: 현진)
Birth Name: Kim Hyun-Jin (김현진)
Birth date: November 15, 2000 (Age 20)
Color: Yellow (노란색)
Animal: Cat (고양이)
Representive Country: Japan
(Above information from
Fast forward to 2020/21, we now have "LOONA LOGS", which sees the girls filming and editing their own VLOGS (as opposed to the LOONA TV 1-minuter episodes regularly uploaded on @loonatheworld youtube channel).
Featured below are all HyunJin's LOONA LOGS (as of this blogpost), which are different from her seen in LOONA TV or with the group, and in turn is yet another interesting facet of her personality, or at least how our favourite bread-loving-girl wants folks to perceive her to be.

ADDED: Photocard Image from my [12:00] album pull:
![#이달의소녀 #LOONA [12:00] "C Version" album on #tunestalksg](

UPDATED: The following Concept Photos were revealed (From June 3-June 6, 2021) in anticipation of LOONA's 4th mini album [&] comeback, scheduled for 2021.6.28 pm6 (KST) Release.

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