#3yearswithLOONA - VLIVE & LOONA MVs



"August 19th" marked the third anniversary of 이달의 소녀 (LOONA) from BlockBerry Creartive, since the 12 member South Korean girl group debut in 2018, with their song "Hi High" (which was preceded by "favOriTe"), after each girl debuted individually with their very own single and MV - starting from HeeJin (in 2016), to the 12th girl Olivia Hye (in 2018). I've previously published a dedicated online feature of them, from [++], leading to their [&] release in 2021.

I have since added their 42+minuter VLIVE (above) where they celebrated the occassion (Turn English subtitles on) with chats and a dance performance of "WOW", in their new Dance Studio, as BlockBerry Creative has since moved to recently.


Featured here today are a re-showcase of their (group) MVs leading up til today, along with the girls' (hand-written) messages for their fandom "Orbits", as left on their fan cafe (with translations thanks to @orrery_nim)! Meanwhile, the following is a reproduction of @loonatheworld's tweet celebrating this day:

"#이달의소녀 의 해피 3주년을 함께 맞이한 오빛은 행운아 3년이라는 긴 시간 동안 변함없이 단 하나의 빛이 되어 준 오빛. 이 있어 12명의 소녀들이 꽃길만 걸을 수 있었어요. 지금처럼 이달의 소녀와 오래오래 뜨겁게 사랑해요, 오빛.

Ohbit is lucky to have celebrated the happy 3rd anniversary of Oh-bit, who has been the only light for a long time of 3 years. Because of this, 12 girls could only walk on the flower path. Like now, I love LOONA passionately for a long time, Oh Bit."

Above: Pre-Single "favOriTe" was uploaded "7 August 2018"
Below: "Hi High" was uploaded "20 August 2018"
Both tracks are from their debut album [+ +].

HeeJin (Reveal date: September 26, 2016)
HyunJin (Reveal date: October 28, 2016)
HaSeul (Reveal date: December 8, 2016)
YeoJin (Reveal date: January 4, 2017)
ViVi (Reveal date: February 14, 2017

Above: "Butterfly" (from their album [X X]) was uploaded "19 February 2019".

Below: "So What" (from their album [#]) was uploaded "5 February 2020".

LOONA SUB-UNIT: Odd Eye Circle / OEC
Kim Lip (Reveal date: May 15, 2017)
JinSoul (Reveal date: June 13, 2017)
Choerry (Reveal date: July 12, 2017)

Above: "Why Not?" was uploaded 19 Oct 2020
Below: "Star" was uploaded 18 Nov 2020
Both tracks are from their album [12:00]

LOONA SUB-UNIT: youth youth by young / yyxy
Yves (Reveal date: November 14, 2017)
Chuu (Reveal date: December 14, 2017)
Go Won (Reveal date: January 15, 2018)
Olivia Hye (Reveal date: March 17, 2018)

Above: "PTT (Paint The Town)" from their album [&] was uploaded "28 June 2021".

YouTube Channel

Ever since discovering their sound, I've continued to follow their music, and have since stayed with them because of the twelve ladies themselves, having now know each of their names - something I've never done for any other groups - boy or girl, whatever country they are from too LOL

Looking forward to whatever you and BBC have next planned for us!

Happy Third Birthday, LOONA!


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