And 5 Remain...

With the news of HyunJin and Vivi's success in their lawsuit against BlockBerry Creative (in terminating their exclusive contracts), here's a quick look at the 5 remaining members of LOONA, currently still bound to BBC via contracts.


If you have not been keeping up with the "LOONA vs BBC"-situation:
Chuu was the first member to be expelled from LOONA and since signed with ATRP, while being very active online via her "Chuu Can Do It" YT-channel and various activities both online and on television broadcast.
HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul and Choerry has since signed with Modhaus, and are currently active under the ""ARTMS" Project".
We await the next steps of HyunJin and Vivi...!

It was reported in January 2023 that all 5 members (HaSeul, YeoJin, Yves, GoWon and Olivia Hye) had failed in their lawsuits against BBC, as there had been changes made earlier to their contracts (which remain unrevealed), which turned out to be disadvantageous for them.

Regardless if their lawsuits were pre co-ordinated among themselves, or if contract terms were utilised to "test out" which worked, we can only but speculate on "what happened", and seems folks are none too keen to know more about this aspect of the current situation, IMHO.

Be that as it may, regardless if they are "close as family members", or are only "work-colleagues", the only tangible truth remains that the remaining 5 members will be tied to BBC for the duration of their contracts - the specific expiry date of which are unknown, while speculated by the fandom.

As seen from their actions post-lawsuits, BBC has proven that they will go to whatever legal means (that we know of publically) to suppress the girls, and what else happens behind closed doors (Modhaus alludes to such circumstance for their current tripleS in-person promotions), and do not seem to be in any way close to "disbanding" LOONA, and releasing the remaining members from their contracts.

BBC had three "sub-units" active before the eventual forming of the entire LOONA-line-up, and I do not need to doubt if a new "sub-unit" could be formed with the remaining members, provided there is any legitimacy to continue to execute their contracts.

Note that while it has been reported that they had failed in their lawsuits, it apparently is meant as an :"initial ruling", with final judgement pending still? Again, this is conjecture coming out of random online info and commentary, but hardly, if any direct commentary from the girls themselves.

If you look closely at the current FEVERASE release, "HeeJin" is credited as "LOONA's HeeJin" (paraphrase), and have no doubt she is contracted to the BBC for this event and debut as a cyber-character too. Hardly a situation to "boycott", as there are other artists involved and are apart of the team formed too.

I do not ever think LOONA will "disband", and the company will clutch unto the name even til everyone has left the building. Even if the name is reused, I can be sure that BBC will have a percentage of it, and I do not need to know the ins-and-outs to suspect this'll be the continued course of business-action, which of course is purely speculation on my part. But then again, what or how the heck would I know...? :p

With the boycott still in effect, the means to draw monies for future LOONA-activities remain void (A cancelled comeback "indefinitely postponed is the only public thing we know of ... there was the Concert in Japan which carried on) ... while "past"-activities - which include online downloading of songs, or even monetised YouTube videos - seem to be the only tangible source of income generated for BBC, that we know of.

Personally, I hope by this boycott, we do not "loose" the discography of LOONA...

Of the remaining girls, four have been active on their Instagrams - especially in recent times - namely YeoJin, HaSeul, Yves and GoWon (in that order), with Olivia Hye conspicuously silent throughout the ordeal - save for her appearance in FEVERSE - and his the sole remaining member that has not opened her own Instagram.

The more I see of them (and YeoJin has been exceedingly active), the more concerned I am of their personal well-being. And the less I see of them, the more concerned I am, in this case Olivia Hye, and I do not think I am alone in that.

With the abject lack of company-originated activities, the girls need to constantly remind folks of their existence, even as the girls who have left BBC continue to create news or have their presence in the (South Korean) entertainment industry, be alive and active.

And it looks like Instagram is the only way thus far. Selcas and IG-Lives are not enough. In a sea of "beauty faces" on the www, we need to see more of their talent. If not in performing (and we KNOW they are capable of, thank goodness for Queeendom2), but perhaps in other aspects that appeal to the waking consciousness of the/their adoring public. If not "alone", than time to cash-in with friends, absolutley nothing to be shy or ashamed about, IMHO.

I am a middle-aged man who is struggling to keep my blog relevant, and am hardly the one to dole out any suggestions myself :p

Perhaps fans and orbits could suggest to them what they want more of? Keep the communication lines as open as possible, for as long as possible ... and someone tell Olivia Hye that, FPS!


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