LOONA TV ("One & Only" Arc) starring Go Won (Ep #265-#284)

LOONA GO WON one&only tunestalksg 06

This blog-post is a compendium to my "Introducing Go Won" (of LOONA 이달의 소녀), with a dedicated focus on her LOONA TV first appearance in #265 (released on January 30, 2018), through to her photoshoot and studio shoot for her MV debut; "One & Only", and ending episode #284, released on March 3, 2018.

Photoshoot Arc (No GoWon in #269)

MV Shooting begins from #275 and Go Won's LOONA TV ends in Ep#284, before Olivia-Hye's era begins in #286 (She appeared "blurred" in #285" lol). Within this time, all 10 girls revealed for LOONA visited Go Won on her MV set, producing tons of memorable memes and clips seen on YouTube and www, as made by fans...!



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