My LOONA Pageflip Playlists on YouTube

It did not occur to me to categorise my LOONA videos into specific "playlists" on my @sliceofheng YouTube Channel (color me "slow" :p), and I've since listed them as per albums, and "predebut" (*referring them the girls' singles releases and sub-units, before they debuted as OT12 in LOONA).

This was a much needed "exercise", as I've discovered there are a few albums I've yet to film page flips for...! Meanwhile...

LOONA Predebut Playlist on #YouTube
LOONA 1/3 Love&Live Pageflip (Coming Soon)
LOONA Yves Pageflip (Coming Soon)
LOONA [++] Album Pageflip (Coming Soon)
LOONA [xx] Album Pageflip (Grail)
LOONA [#] Album Pageflip
LOONA [12:00] Playlist on #YouTube
LOONA [&] Playlist on #YouTube
NOT FRIENDS Playlist on #YouTube
LOONA FL!P THAT Playlist on #YouTube


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