ASSEMBLE25 GRAND GRAVITY FINAL: Stranger Things vs Diablo

And the two tracks going into the Grand Final - to be triples' next single for ASSEMBLE25, is "Stranger Things" (Song A) vs "Diablo" (Song G), none off whom where my initial picks LOL ` The girls'll crush it, regardless WAV's chosen choices, cheers.

MY CHOICE: I personally prefer the possibilities of "Diablo", showcasing a somewhat mature(ish) vibe, versus "Stranger Things", even though that is more in the wheelhouse of "tripleS" soundscape, IMHO ...Do I want a "change"? Or do I want "evolution"? "Diablo" might prove more commercially apt for more than "music" can provide, I suspect ... but ultimately both audio clips are too short to discern, and I trust MODHAUS and the girls to be able to rock it eiother way - they have not disappointed me thus far with their discography, so.... :)

UPDATED: And The Winner Is....


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