aespa's 'Supernova' Jazz Version by SM Jazz Trio

ABOVE: 'Supernova (Jazz Ver.)' MV from SM Jazz Trio
(Hogyu Hwang + JongKuk Kim + Yohan Kim)
BELOW: 'Supernova ' MV from aespa

I remember in the mid-90s, when I was first introduced to "live jazz", with my then colleague physically inviting me to a bar performance at Somerset (when past listens of the genre was via sporadic earphones-adventures) ... and I fondly remembered having been seated in the audience enthralled, and had floated above the bar in bliss and excitement! I delved into the genre a good few years later too (and have numerous CD albums to show for them lol), until I deviated into "Acid Jazz" and eventually the club lounge scene (Years later I have accepted my "eclectic musical tastes", as I have even now embraced "KPOP", even thought I do not speak the language).

Well done, SM Entertainment, for helping evoke such emotional memories within me, and a fab way to connect with oldies like myself with the current performers.


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