Featured here are my TOP TEN MOST LISTENED TO KPOP albums in 2023, some of whom I've purchased the physical CD albums, some I mooch off online YT videos, cheers. Counting down from #10 to my favourites #1, starting with ... "Mood Swings In To Order" by DPR IAN, which I have since given up waiting for availability for the physical album, and instead indulge online. Fk I wanted this album SO MUCH, so in some ways I try not to listen... but cannot resist myself LOL ... This also happens to be the only male voice/performer on this list, cheers.

#9 is "Lowlife Princess: Noir" from 비비 (BIBI), whom I managed to snag her physical album for (UNBOXING Featured HERE), and constantly kick myself for not picking up her 2021 album "Life is a Bi....", where I started to adore her sound... Meanwhile;

#8 is "28 Reasons" from Red Velvet's SEULGI (슬기), which I snagged the physical album for (UNBOXING Featured HERE), and had the album on constant replay for a decent chunk of time too LOL

#7: Favourite sub-unit from LOONA is ODD EYE CIRCLE, so when Modhaus announced OEC would release an album "Version Up" plus new music (under ARTMS), I could not resist the excitement! Snagged a physical album (JINSOUL Cover / UNBOXING Featured HERE), because why could I not? "Je ne sais quoi", indeed!

#6: "K" by HEEJIN (of ARTMS) put nothing but a huge smile on my face and in my LOONA-loving heart. The "newtro" nostalgia-tinged lead single and album tracks brought such joy to my soundscape too! (UNBOXING Featured HERE).

#5: I was not too huge a fan of NEWJEANS starting out, but their music slowly and surely appealed to me and my memories of Y2K, and now they've become essential listening to my KPOP-journey, and beyond too. Both their albums are showcased in below playlist, including "NewJeans" (UNBOXING Featured HERE) and "Get Up"(UNBOXING Featured HERE), cheers.

#4: As much as I adored "Queendom" (UNBOXING Featured HERE), I was quite surprised I was enamoured by "The ReVe Festival 2022 – Feel My Rhythm" (UNBOXING Featured HERE), and cemented being a fan of RED VELVET (although I totally missed their "The ReVe Festival 2022 – Birthday" album, before devouring and having "Chill Kill" in my collection).

#3: I "discovered" the soundscape of BILLLIE (빌리) via such full albums online, while searching to background music as I blog my daily online tasks (One reason why I adore "KPOP" now is that I can enjoy the music and not need to focus on understand the lyrics, as I know next to nothing about "Korean").

Subsequently tracked down "the Billage of perception : chapter one" album (and more), and proudly added them to my collection.

#2: "the Billage of perception: chapter three" over "chapter one", as far as the tracks appeal to me, so here we are...! I know not to nothing about the members or the group (besides Tsukim because of Chuu), and somehow choose to enjoy the music without delving too deep into them... at least for now, cheers.

#1: Okay fione, this is not exactly a "album" per se, but .... was as much a surprise for me than I'd expected... Having thoroughly enjoyed "Access" by Acid Angels from Asia (UNBOXING Featured HERE), I'd not keep track of tripleS and their sub-unit configurations, but was aware of their tracks/singles ... but THIS "Music Archive 22-23 All Complete" )(as curated by member NaKyoung), truly left my spirits soothed and listening time enjoyable!



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