"I've always wanted to play the guitar, but have never taken any steps to even start to learn, much less be welding it on stage, silhouetted against the backstage lights, fans clamoring for my attention in-between guitar-licks ... but in my waking daydreams, I am teh Guitar-God! and I dream epic dreams, I do LOL ... hell, let's not even go into the other dream of being the lead singer of a rock-band, yeh? heh."
("Alternative") ROCK-ON with TOYSREVIL@MUXTAPE.COM first featured in 2008, and I reckon back in the day, I associated "alternative rock with jangly guitar" to be "ROCK", innit?

The Breeders - Cannonball
Goo Goo Dolls - Bullet Proof
The Darkness - Growing On Me
U2 - Vertigo
Kasabian - Sun Rise Light Flies
Green Day - American Idiot
We Are Scientists - Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
Foo Fighters - Stacked Actors
Audioslave - Your Time Has Come
Headcleaner - Nothing (Rock Mix)
Foo Fighters - Aurora
Nirvana - Verse Chorus Verse


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