#OECinlondon: Setlist & Stage Performance Clips for ODD EYE CIRCLE 2023 'Volume Up' Concert In London


With crustied eyes on a Sunday morning - barely awake, much less brushed me even crustier teeth - I watched and tracked down the songs for Kim Lip (김립) + JinSoul (진솔) + Choerry (최리) = collectively known as "Odd Eye Circle" on the opening concert in London for their "VOLUME UP" Europe tour (hash tagged #OECinLondon on Twitter/X)!

Their setlist included all their individual debut singles (from BlockBerryCreative era), plus most of their B-Sides (including JinSoul's B-side "Love Letter" and Cheorry's B-Side "Puzzle"), tracks from Mix&Match/Max&Match, and of course their latest album "Version Up" (released with MODHAUS). Plus a track from Doja Cat...!

And while Orbits continue to boycott BBC, I could not help to think someone somewhere had to seek permission and pay royalties for the usage of the BBC-era songs, innit?

By the time "Hi High" played over the speakers, I was in near-tears (threatening to wash away the eyes-crust), as they repped "LOONA" and (what I would like to think) the rest of the 9 girls who were not present at the concert. How joyfully deluded am I here? LOL

Featured here are snippets of videos compiled from Twitter/X, based on the setlist (found at bottom of this blogpost) ~ ENJOY!


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