Performance Videos & Contestants Revealed for QUEENDOM PUZZLE

Leading to their 6.13 (TUE 10PM KST) premiere, QUEENDOM PUZZLE has revealed the shows's contestants - who will be battling out for a chance to debut as a project group group - own the form of two performance videos: "SNAP" and "Charismatic".

ABOVE: Charismatic - PICK on the top, featuring 지한 JI HAN & 소은 SO EUN (from Weeekly), 지우 JI WOO (tripleS), 지원 JI WON (Cherry Bullet), 나나 NANA & 우연 WOO YEON (woo!ah!).

BELOW: SNAP - PICK-CAT, featuring 보라 BO RA & 채린 CHAE RIN (Cherry Bullet), 유키 YUKI (Purple Kiss), 여름 YEO REUM (formerly of CLC), 상아 SANG AH (Lightsum), 예은 YEO REUM (WJSN), and 리이나 RIINA (H1-KEY).

Two contestants has since bowed out of the contest, after recording the first episode, with the remaining contestants having their own individual (15-20 seconder) glam profiles showcased on socials! Feature below are in order of their reveal on MNET KPOP YT-channel, cheers.


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