Colors (색깔) by LOONA

“Colors” (Hangul: 색깔, Saegkkal)” is the fifth track from the repackage album [X X] by LOONA with this 3:15minuter pop track featuring lyrics by Darly, Jaden Jeong, composed by Billie Jean (BADD), Hickee, Kim Jin Hyung (BADD), and arrangement by Billie Jean.

This track enjoyed a recent resurgence with a viral fancam showing (ex)member Choerry's body/arms reacting to the music before she is conscious of it.

"“Colors” adds vividness to the beats like a prism, by mixing purple, blue, and red.[1] It has the LOOΠΔ universe dissolved into the track, desiring for each other’s colors and dye each other to become love portrayed with a drop beat." (


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