HAPPY LOONA DAY! ... but is everything alright on Loona Island?

"August 18" has been designated "LOONA DAY" by BlockBerry Creative, in celebration of LOONA's 4th Anniversary.

After the release of HaSeul's DALPLY, we also saw the release of images (Artist Photo & Jacket Photo) for LOONA's 2nd Japanese single "LUMINOUS" (universal-music.co.jp/loona), since scheduled for release on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Herein lies a obvious issue.

And while fans've been informed that CHUU will not be participating in the Japanese single, we've chosen to overlook the 11 individual CD album covers that feature the members of LOONA, and now with the full blown promotional images, the disparity is ever so much more "obvious". How could BBC ever address this "OT12 but not really" ongoing issue?

As well CHUU is not apart of the current LOONATHEWORLD Tour, with the initial reason being her pre-existing "contractual obligations", it had also been announced that she is not participating in the Tokyo Concert (tying in with "LUMINOUS" release), and said initial reasoning is dumbfounding. It is one thing to be not present for the concert physically, but to be complete excluded from the recording? Of course we're not going to get an answer, are we? We will be lucky if they even bother to mention anything off their domestic fan cafe.

And while we've experienced HaSeul not being apart of the group during [#] era and only returning for [&], it was understandably due to her health issue hence hiatus. But what about the issue with Chuu? As much as I would want to shutter my commentary and speculation (given that I do not exactly nor specifically know the actual issue), BBC cannot expect Orbits to sit on their thumbs and blindly and obediently support all the girls, as if nothing is wrong? OF COURSE we will support all the girls regardless, but being strung along without answers, is both frustrating and confounding. Now all this is given me anxiety over something I cannot control, excepot for how I deal with my own emotions.

Will BBC be ever responsible for this? Their job is to enable LOONA to entertain us, not to cater to our emotions. We can ONLY HOPE they do right by the girls, as best as they are able to, and chloose to do ... Reading about the girls on tour and learning to survive, is as heartbreaking, as it is grateful that they have the opportunity to tour so, during their idol / performer careers.

Four (+) years is no small effort, helmed by a much smaller agency, and having to manage and maintain twelve girls? ... but "good things and times" end eventually, and we can only hope good times last a little bit longer.

As much as I'd like to ignore the rumours of Chuu's lawsuits and such noise, I cannot just attribute it to "noise promotion" anymore ... but with the absence of explanations (BBC does have the right to not address these, because all our grumblings does not seem to affect the bottom line, does it?), all I can do is support the girls themselves, in ways to lessen my own anxiety, because I too have to survive.

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LOONA the full group might have turned "4", having debuted in "2018" (First MV they appeared together was the above featured "favOriTe" from "7 Aug 2018"), but also remember the girls themselves have been revealed / debuted before that, with the first girl HeeJin debuting in 2016 with her single "ViViD", which for her makes "6" years.

In the preconceived "7 Year Contract" for KPOP performers (not that I know how many years the girls have signed on for with BBC), but seems time is running out inevitable, and certainly hope there are no malevolent forces at work, where Chuu is kept operating off the team until her contract is up ... of course this is purely speculation on my end, and have zero basis for said speculation.

The image posted above of all 12-members together in the "HAPPY LOONA DAY" certainly do put a warm smile in my heart, and I hope it is not simply a "commercial move" to only tug at our heartstrings and wallets.

Ending this rant with videos of Kim Jiwoo / CHUU's multiple videos released today (and yesterday), perhaps to make up for her missing in LOONA's activities?

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