LOONA's Japanese Debut - 1st Group Image & Album Listing

A promotional image for South Korean girl group LOONA (이달의 소녀) - known in Japanese as "今月の少女" - has finally been revealed, in anticipation of their JAPANESE debut! September 15 is scheduled for digital release, while physical CD albums start October 20 with pre-order benefits.
As well LOONA will also have a talk event via SHOWROOM for the JP release, scheduled for on September 14 (find out more here).
Blockberry Creative tells news in official press release that the #LOONA Japanese debut is happening on September 15 digitally
— 💫 Orrery/nim (@orrery_nim) September 9, 2021
(album sales start on October 20 with pre-order benefits; all this info was in the original announcement)https://t.co/oLR400k2xj pic.twitter.com/T5CMzjvJeN
I've had the following info in my folder for some time now, but frankly struggled to make clearer sense of it, but thankfully Orbits online have sorted them out, so I'll post Twitter-embeds below, in addition to the info I had previously gathered. I'd recommend you stay connected to the @loonaJPofficial Twitter as well, cheers.
PTT(Paint The Town)Japanese Ver.がリリースになりました🎧
— loonatheworld_jp_official (@loonaJPofficial) June 28, 2021
配信リンクはこちらから☞ https://t.co/q9PL6Mj2G5
皆さんたくさん聴いてください😉#이달의소녀 #LOONA
#今月の少女#loonatheworld_jp_official#PTTJPVer pic.twitter.com/WIqOmPiFNT
The album itself has since been released for pre-orders, with listed tracks including a Japanese version of "PTT (Paint The Town)", and two new tracks in a Double A Side Single(s): "HULA HOOP" and "StarSeed ~カクセイ~" - all scheduled for a "October 20, 2021" release!
02. StarSeed ~カクセイ~
03. PTT(Paint The Town)Japanese Ver.
04. HULA HOOP City Pop Ver.
StarSeed~カクセイ~Music Video&HULA HOOP Making
LOONA Channel vol. 1
According to this hmv.co.jp report (Google Translated), the album will include a limited DVD "(which) contains a special video newly shot as a bonus video.". Also mentioned in the article:
"「HULAHOOP」のComposerに今韓国でHotな作家Ryan S Jhunを迎え、作詞には日本を代表する音楽クリエイターAKIRA氏を迎えLOONAの新たなページを開く楽曲が完成。
また、もう一方の楽曲「StarSeed~カクセイ~」のComposerは、若手作曲/アレンジャーで今大注目のクボナオキ氏を迎え、作詞はSILENT SIRENのVocal&guitar すぅが書き下ろした、K-POPとJ-POPの垣根をこえた楽曲となっている。
The song that opens a new page of LOONA has been completed with Ryan S Jhun, a hot writer in Korea, as the composer of "HULA HOOP" and AKIRA, a music creator representing Japan, as the lyrics.
In addition, the composer of the other song "StarSeed ~ Kakusei ~" welcomed Mr. Kubonaoki, who is now a hot topic as a young composer / arranger, and the lyrics were written by Vocal & guitar Su of SILENT SIREN, the barrier between K-POP and J-POP. It is a song that exceeds."
Current Pre-orders via these links:
>>> store.universal-music.co.jp
>>> amazon.co.jp
>>> tower.jp
>>> ktown4u.com
— LOONA's Subbits (@gointosubbit) August 27, 2021
Source: https://t.co/7H15bWpq7i pic.twitter.com/ly1PVtPs2C
— SHOWROOM (@SHOWROOM_jp) September 7, 2021
LOONA (今月の少女)、日本デビューシングル「HULA HOOP/ StarSeed 〜カクセイ〜」のデジタルリリースを記念してオンライントークイベントを開催😍🎊
2021年9月14日(火)19:30開場 20:00開演
👇視聴URLhttps://t.co/T3pw7tafWW#LOONA #HULA_HOOP #StarSeed〜カクセイ〜 #SHOWROOM pic.twitter.com/xMSH8nA8Ii
YouTube Channel
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