LOONA Album Cassette Tapes
Introducing "LOONA Album Cassette Tapes", with these reproductions available to purchase online here, shipped from Metro Manila, within The Philippines. ₱350 per tape (which works out to be approx SG$9+ per).
As stated on the sales page, (all) cassette tapes are playable, with songs recorded on the tape (*unknown if via CD albums or digital downloads tho). Regardless of item reproduction legitimacy - using the BBC-logo might be "tricky" tho (and NO I am not advocating this as much as the notion of "LOONA on Tapes"), the concept of "cassette tapes" in relation to the LOONA-lore (seen often in their predebut MVs, most notably ViVi's "Everyday I Love You' and Odd Eye Circle's "Girl Front") is undeniably apt, and quite frankly would make a splendid collectible - especially in line with their earlier pre-debut focus on reliving (music) memories past, IMHO. You know how I feel about "(mix)tapes", yeh?

Imagine if BlockBerry Creative released La Maison LOONA exclusively as a limited edition cassette tape... DUDE!
(Source: LOOΠΔ into the Loonaverse)
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