#tunestalksg on Instagram

I've since started a "new" hashtag for my CDs, with #tunestalksg viewable on my (personal) Instagram. Of course my posting of CD-albums I listen to has been going on for some time now, I've not properly tagged them, as it was not my intention to share my leisure in such a sense, but have since come around to want to share what I listen to, and at the same time maybe have a visual archive of the physical CDs I have, and even take a look inside the fold-out inserts!

All of these essentially stems from my "hoarder"-ways, and a recently developed curiosity for WHAT the CDs looked like, especially since physical CD-stores do not exist much in Singapore these days, and I also realised and recognised that I have been resisting the tide of time, and not even downloaded any songs or albums, at all in my life so far!
And, NO, none of these CDs I show are for sale. Not os not the intention for all of this. I will mention if they are though :)
ASIDE: Although I had a dedicated #tunestalk-hashtag before, I've decided to do a dedicated one for my listening adventure (also because "#soundtrackofmyife" is too generic a hashtag to share here), if anyone is interested to check out LOL
Cheer, and Happy Listening!
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