SWEET REVENGE from Ryuchi Sakamoto - Full Album Listen, Music Videos & More

WHAT-IS: "Sweet Revenge is a 1994 album by Ryuichi Sakamoto. The Japanese and international releases have different track listings, with the international pressing featuring (uncredited) re-mixes of half of the songs." (Wiki).
Featured here today is a Full Album Listen for the "International Version" (the CD album I own, shown here in-hand). Seen above is the music video for "LOVE & HATE" (U.K. Single Mix) featuring Holly Johnson of FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD on vocals, while below is for "REGRET", which I am wholly unsure if it is a "fan-edit" or official MV release, but nevertheless SPLENDID!
Tracklist (International Version):
1. "Tokyo Story" (1:16)
2. "Moving On" (different mix / 5:45)
3. "Sentimental" (English language version of "二人の果て" / 5:56)
4. "Regret" (different mix / 5:38)
5. "Pounding At My Heart" (different mix / 5:32)
6. "Love and Hate" (5:27)
7. "Sweet Revenge" (4:07)
8. "7 Seconds". (3:33)
9. "Same Dream, Same Destination" (different mix / 4:04)
10. "Interruptions" (different mix / 4:51)
11. "Water's Edge" (English language version of "君と僕と彼女のこと", different mix / 5:20)

The following track "Anna" is on the Japanese version album (Track #9).
A re-recording of "Psychedelic Afternoon" (Track #11 on the Japanese album), featuring original lyricist David Byrne on vocals and sporting modified lyrics, "was released in 2013 as a way to raise money and awareness for children who survived the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami." The following animated music video was released concurrently with the new version.
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