Beastie Boys' THE MIX-UP (Full Album Listen)
"OK, here's our blurb about our new album — it spits hot fire! — hot shit! it's official... it's named THE MIX-UP. g'wan. all instrumental record. "see i knew they were gonna do that!" that's a quote from you. check the track listing and cover below. you love us. don't you?""
The above was sent via email to Beastie Boys' mailing list, on May 1, 2007, which I only knew about having Wiki'd this for this blogpost, and neither am I on such a "email-list" ... but that does not take away the awesomeness that which is the Beastie Boys' seventh studio album: "The Mix-Up"!

Track listing:
1. "B for My Name" (3:31)
2. "14th St. Break" (3:34)
3. "Suco de Tangerina" (3:17)
4. "The Gala Event" (3:47)
5. "Electric Worm" (3:15)
6. "Freaky Hijiki" (3:05)
7. "Off the Grid" (4:36)
8. "The Rat Cage" (3:37)
9. "The Melee" (3:10)
10. "Dramastically Different" (3:57)
11. "The Cousin of Death" (3:06)
12. "The Kangaroo Rat" (3:28)
13. "Biscuits and Butter" (iTunes bonus track) 4:19

The auditory switcheroo of this album's soundscape was deliciously foreign to Beastie Boys (I had known at that time, or "anytimne" for that matter), and at the exact same time a enriching revelation, with a echo of familiarity that I am not musically-educated enough to attempt to explain, so instead I'll let the tracks do the humming and grooving instead...! Also because the CD-box has been staring at me for far too long (stacked beside my lappie), and the CD itself is missing, and this full listen is long overdue....
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