What's Up With The 80s Music on TUNESTALKsg?

I've always maintained I'd "growed up in the 80s", specifically of my adolescent teenage years, where "music" played a huge part of my coping with growing up as a Male Chinese kid, in an era without "social media", where bootlegged music was rampant (witness the cassette tape above bought "3 for $5" back in the day), and where Radio DJs reigend supreme, and "decided" my knowledge of WHO or WHAT I am/was listening to!

I have since found out (as slow as I am about these things), that I am labelled as "Gen X", and having entered my adolescent teenage years during the 80s, the music I'd devoured somewhat shaped me and the way how I would move forward with my life (*Noticed I never mentioned "growing up", because I don't think I did as much sorrynotsorry :p), along with the comic books I'd read, and media I'd experienced then too.

I've oft rambled on about my affinity with comicbooks (2006's PART ONE + 2011's PART TWO), but perhaps with music, my heart is still fixated with the 80s. Heck I am fixated with the 80s, period!

I even had a dedicated blog for all-things-80s at Flashback80s.blogspot.com (So on the nose it cringes, sorrynotsorry), which I had since abandoned as I'd not been able to spend much time on the past.... BUT for the music! Which now is burdened unto THIS blog, which was initially started to feature music that was not about the 80s, because I already had the Flashback80s-blog, innit?

This resurgence is also primarily brought about due to current circumstance, where I have been unable to actively and consistently purchase new shinysparkling distractions, but in turn turned to my old(er) CD-collections and music memories to sate my own desire to consume - be it the consumption of new music, or reliving the classics.

And in consuming, I hope to be able to SHARE too, with the aid of this blog. Embarrassing as it may seem to have "expose" my lack, so too am I excited to be ABLE TO SHARE in the first place!

I have since realised and accepted that I am an introvert who had tried to assimilate myself into society for the majority of my life, but since my Stroke in 2010, I have had the "excuse", and had been able to withdraw further into my own vast void, and that has been more conducive to me as anyone would insist otherwise. That being said, I could also stew in my own life for so long too LOL

With nothing of commercial or societal value to flex, I instead am looking forward to SHARE my passions - specifically MUSIC - here on this blog, the prime mover of which, is MUSIC FROM THE 80s!

No worries, I'm not forgetting the 90s, 2K and beyond.

As introverted as I have claimed to be, the only other time I would actually invite folks over (physically or metaphorically) to my own, is for LISTENING PARTIES, where it could be a specific band/group, or genre for that specific period, and where everyone could enjoy and bathe in the music, and not feel the need to HAVE to chat and make small talk, but have an opportunity to GEEK OUT, as much as I welcome to do so with likeminded folks and friends ... that is the dream anyway, and I am in no way shape or form physically able to manifest that in this timeframe ... BUT there is THIS blog tho...!

YouTube has also played a huge part of this, methinks - where in the past I might be content with listening, now I can also distract myself with watching.

Having just completed a "One-Hit Wonders of the 80s"-list (*Songs were based on this 2009-list), I am not stopping anytime soon with my sonic nostalgia-trips! Featured here instead are even more tracks from the 80s ~ So Enjoy!

Thanks for the music memories...



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