About BLACKPINK's Full Album & Activities for 2020 & Rosé's IG-LIVE Performance (on May 16/2020)

YG Entertainment has since released information about South Korean girl group BLACKPINK's upcoming activities for 2020, including their NEW FULL ALBUM (of ten songs), scheduled for a September release, with three prior stages released leading up to that. First single is scheduled for a June release. But before all of that, comes the official mention/announcement of BLACKPINK's collaboration with Lady Gaga's new song "Sour Candy", planned for a May 29th release.
Social media is already flooding with commentary and doubts - from both BLINKS/fans and news outlets (understandably so, gemming from YG's past actions, or in-actions), so I'll not need to chime in, but rather choose to look forward to what's coming next, and decide when the music comes out, if it was all worth the wait, cheers :)
Featured below is the translated Korean text (via Google Translate), with text via yg-life.com. Featured below that is the original Korean text.

RELEASE DATED 2020-05-18 09:00am: "Good morning. This is YG Entertainment.
First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the fans who always support and love Black Pink. I would like to briefly inform you about Black Pink's plans for this year's activities.
After a long period of music work, I just finished recording more than 10 new songs of Black Pink, You have completed your first regular album.
Black Pink's first departure in 2020 is to release a pre-release title song in June. Currently, we are spurring the final work, such as preparing for music video shooting and practicing choreography.
The second plan will be the release of a second new song in a special form around July and August. Please forgive me for not being able to give more details due to internal circumstances.
We plan to release Blackpink's first regular album around September. As it is the first regular album prepared for a long time, it will be released in stages three times, so that more content and stage will be released. I would like to create an opportunity to visit fans more often than ever before.
We ask for your interest in the announcement of Lady Gaga's new song "Sour Candy", which Black Pink participated on May 29th.
YG, together with Universal Music, the world's largest music group in 2020, aims to make Blackpink's leap forward. We will proceed with many global projects.
To prepare for a comeback, I would like to ask for the warm support and encouragement of the members of Black Pink who are still working hard on the ball today.
Thank you."
안녕하세요. YG엔터테인먼트입니다.
먼저 블랙핑크를 늘 응원하고 사랑해 주시는 팬 여러분께 깊은 감사의 말씀드립니다.
블랙핑크의 올해 활동 계획에 대해 간단히 알려드리고자 합니다.
오랜 기간의 음악 작업 끝에 얼마 전 총 10곡이 넘는 블랙핑크의 신곡 녹음을 마치고,
첫 정규 앨범 작업을 완료했습니다.
2020년 블랙핑크의 첫 출발은 오는 6월 선공개 타이틀곡을 발표하는 것입니다.
현재 뮤직비디오 촬영 준비와 안무 연습 등 막바지 작업에 박차를 가하고 있습니다.
두 번째 계획은 7, 8월경 스페셜한 형태의 두 번째 신곡이 발표될 예정입니다.
아직 내부 사정상 자세한 내용을 말씀드릴 수 없는 점 양해 부탁드리겠습니다.
이후 오는 9월경 블랙핑크의 첫 번째 정규 앨범을 발표할 계획입니다.
오래 준비한 첫 정규 앨범인 만큼 3차례에 걸쳐 단계적으로 발표함으로써 보다 많은 콘텐츠와 무대로
그 어느 해보다 팬들을 더 자주 찾아뵐 수 있는 기회를 마련해보고자 합니다.
오는 5월 29일 블랙핑크가 참여한 레이디 가가의 신곡 “Sour Candy” 발표에 많은 관심 부탁드리며
YG는 2020년 세계 최대 음악 그룹인 유니버셜뮤직과 함께 블랙핑크의 더 큰 도약을 위한
많은 글로벌 프로젝트를 함께 진행해 나갈 것입니다.
컴백 준비를 위해 오늘도 열심히 구슬땀을 흘리고 있는 블랙핑크 멤버들에게 따뜻한 응원과 격려 부탁드립니다.
BLACKPINK 정규 앨범에 대하여
I'll end this post with a recording of Rosé who performed (covers) on Instagram Live, on May 16th.
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